ADA Policy & Plan

ADA Policy Statement:

Universal Music Center (UMC) welcomes participants (including students, teaching artists, guest performers, Board and Advisory Committee members) and audience members of all abilities. The policy of the UMC is to ensure equal opportunity for all people to participate in and benefit from programs and activities regardless of race, gender, national origin, color, age, religion, sexual orientation, marital status or ability.

UMC prioritizes accommodating individuals of all abilities to participate in its programs and activities. Our commitment to accessibility and our grievance procedure is clearly posted on our website. Our Policy Statement was recently approved by our Board of Director and will be included in our print material and annual report beginning in 2016. See plan for implementation, religion, sexual orientation, marital status or ability.

Background of ADA Access Plan:

UMC designed and implemented its first ADA Access Plan in 2015. This Plan was approved by the Board of Directors in October 2015. UMC’s Board of Directors addresses ongoing accessibility issues for students attending performances and rehearsals. UMC’s current office, rehearsal and storage space is fully accessible. Upon request, UMC engages ASL interpreters for performances. Interpreters are provided in advance with the music and lyrics they will interpret. UMC’s ADA Plan will be reviewed annually to update and assess their utility.

Accessibility Plan 2015 Status:

Policies and Management

  1. UMC will reasonably accommodate individuals with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. Special arrangements will be made on an as-needed basis to ensure that this policy goal is met.- Status: This is an ongoing goal that shall be reviewed annually. In the past, UMC has accommodated students with walkers, Attention Deficit Disorder, and Autism. UMC will continue to reach out to and accommodate students all abilities. Additionally, UMC’s main entrance and studios are equipped with extra wide doors for wheelchair access. UMC reviews access to performance venues prior to booking venues for performances and strives to accommodate all performers who require it.
  2. UMC shall not discriminate on the basis of disability against individuals with disabilities that desire to become students, teaching artists, audience members, or join its Board of Directors, Advisory Committee, or any subcommittees of these groups.– Status: This is an ongoing goal that shall be reviewed annually. Currently, UMC is in compliance.
  3. UMC will incorporate review of its ADA plan into its periodic strategic planning and will use its best efforts to ensure that ADA goals set forth in its strategic plan are met in a timely manner.-Status: The Board of Directors is currently working to ensure the ADA Plan is incorporated into our next Strategic Plan and the ADA Plan shall be reviewed annually.
  4. UMC shall provide suggestion forms to any employee, Board member, audience member or other individual who wishes to comment or provide feedback about accessibility issues. Concerns and feedback regarding accessibility issues can also be communicated to UMC through e-mail or in person, and reasonable accommodation, e.g., a sign language interpreter, adaptive tools or a physically accessible space, shall be provided to any individual who wishes to convey suggestions. Accessibility suggestions shall be considered promptly, and a response shall be provided to the individual making the suggestion or complaint in writing or alternative format requested by that individual within 30 days of the date of submission of the suggestion or concern. UMC may consult with others, including Minnesota State Arts Board or VSA Minnesota regarding an appropriate response.- Status: Currently, UMC is in compliance. Students, parents, teaching artists, Board and Committee members are encouraged to approach UMC with any concerns they have, including accessibility concerns. Feedback forms are available at the rehearsal space. Audience and student surveys are solicited periodically.
  5. UMC shall post its ADA Policy on its website, and information regarding accessibility accommodations in programs and other communications with the public.- Status: Currently, UMC is in compliance. UMC’s ADA Policy is included on the website. In addition, UMC makes public that our facilities are ADA compliant and that additional accommodations can be made upon request.
  6. UMC shall compile and maintain a file of accessibility resources to enable timely compliance with accessibility related requests.-Status: This is an ongoing goal that shall be reviewed annually. Currently, UMC is in compliance.
  7. UMC shall review the contents of the ADA Plan at least annually and shall revise it as deemed necessary by the organization to better meet its overall plan.- Status: This is an ongoing goal that shall be reviewed annually. Currently, UMC is in compliance.
  8. UMC shall market our commitment to accessibility on the website (including accessibility icons) and language related to UMC’s commitment to accessibility will be included on print and digital promotional materials.- Status: This is an ongoing goal that shall be reviewed annually. Currently, UMC is in compliance in regards to language on the website. Icons and language related to UMC’s commitment to accessibility will be incorporated into all print and digital promotional materials by June 2016

Programs and Activities  

  1. A copy of UMC’s ADA Policy will be distributed to all new students, teaching artists, Board and Committee Members as a part of their welcome packets. It will also be available to interested individuals in UMC’s rehearsal space and on UMC’s website.- Status: The ADA Plan has recently been approved by UMC’s Board of Directors, we will begin distributing the plan to participants in January 2016. Currently, the ADA Policy is posted in UMC’s rehearsal space and the full ADA Plan is available upon request. The complete ADA Plan is also available to the public on UMC’s website.
  2. UMC is able to accommodate accessibility needs. Upon request UMC can provide sign language interpreters and 18pt double spaced Calibri Font sans serif programs and any printed material used during live performances or publicly attended events where applicable. Braille and audio taped materials will be made available upon request with a14-day notice prior to event.- Status: This is an ongoin shall be g goal thatreviewed annually. Currently, UMC is in compliance.
  3. UMC will review its website to identify compliance issues affecting visitors who are visually impaired, hearing impaired, or manually impaired.- Status: UMC will consult with VSA Minnesota to address any compliance issues to the website. Adjustments will be made in a timely manner, with the goal of being fully compliant by June 2016.
  4. UMC shall have a first-aid emergency kit available at performances and all rehearsals.- Status: Currently UMC is in compliance. UMC has a first-aid kit on site that travels to performances.


  1. UMC will ensure that its rehearsals and all performances are physically accessible to all individuals who desire to attend. Physical accessibility shall include parking, entrance areas, seating area and restroom areas.- Status: UMC’s rehearsal and office space is held at the Anderson Center in Red Wing. The entire campus is ADA compliant, includes handicap-parking access, entrance areas, seating areas and restrooms. Occasionally, UMC’s student performances are held off-site and are held at venues that are ADA compliant. In addition, if any students who are performing at off-site venues require additional accommodations or transportation, UMC will provide to the best of its ability. This is an ongoing goal that shall be reviewed annually. Currently, UMC is in compliance.
  2. UMC shall raise the issue of accessibility in discussions with venue owners for off site performances. UMC will use its best efforts to ensure that all its off site performances be physically accessible to all who desire to attend.- Status: This is an ongoing goal that shall be reviewed annually. Currently, UMC is in compliance. UMC has not formalized its communication with prospective performance venues, asking specifically what accessibility accommodations exist there; however, the issue of accessibility is discussed during booking arrangements and UMC is striving towards formalizing this communication with the goal of formalizing by June 2016.